- American Business Women's Association (ABWA): Naples, Florida. Women in History: Opening Doors in Education Honoree. 2006.
- American Educational Research Association
- Editor, Research News and Notes: Educational Researcher, 1995-1998.
- Reviewer, Educational Researcher 1983-1995.
- Committee on Special Interest Groups 1982-1985: Chair 1984-1985.
- AdHoc Committee on Guidelines for Eliminating Bias in Research, 1981-1984.
- SIG: Research on Women in Education: Nominating Committee, 1977;
Program Chair, 1979: Chair, 1980.
- AdHoc Committee on Women: Women Educators Liaison, 1977-1979.
- SIG: Professors of Educational Research: Board of Directors, 1975-78; Program Chair,
- SIG: Teacher Preparation: Nominating Committee, 1976.
- Division D: Nominating Committee Chair, 1979, 1980.
- Division E: Nominating Committee, 1974.
- Computers in the Schools: Editorial Review Board, 1984- .
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education: Reviewer, 1990- .
- National Science Foundation:
- Committee of Visitors, Division of Engineering Education, and Centers: 2004.
- Consultant: Program on Women and Girls, 1997-2000; Systemic Initiatives, 1997-2001;
- EHR, 2006.
- Reviewer: Informal Science, Evaluation Studies, Math Science Partnerships, LSAMP,
- Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC): Accreditation Panel Member, 2001-.
- United States Department of Education: Expert Panel Impact Review Panel Member, 1998-2001.
- Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network: Betty Vetter Award Winner, 1998.
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