Cartoon of Dr. Campbell contemplating equityCampbell-Kibler Associates, Inc.
"We know that issues related to race/ethnicity, gender, and physical disability have an impact on educational opportunity and participation. While we've made progress addressing these issues, with that progress has come new and different problems. Yesterday's assumptions and solutions have moved us to where we are today. However, if we adhere unquestioningly to yesterday's assumptions and solutions, they will become tomorrow's problems."
For the past 35 years Dr. Patricia B. Campbell of Campbell-Kibler Associates has been doing research and evaluation to increase gender and race equity in math, science and technology education. Results of her work can be found in the following "user friendly" reports, brochures and pamphlets.

Please view, download, use and share any of the following materials. (Some material is in Adobe Acrobat format -- ".pdf ".  An Adobe Acrobat viewer for pdf can be downloaded for FREE. ) You have permission to duplicate and use the materials but not to sell them or to modify them. Credit must be included when they are quoted.

cartoon lion with megaphone

What's New

Other Recent Publications

Lessons from the GE Foundation's Math Excellence:
  • Does It Work? Using Web Based Data in Decision Making; Patricia B. Campbell and Lesley K. Perlman (pdf).
  • Making It Better: Using Data to Improve Projects and Programs; Patricia B. Campbell and Becky Branting (pdf).
  • Adding Courses: Increasing Options; Patricia B. Campbell, Becky Branting and Rosa Carson (pdf).
  • Reaching Out: Increasing Diversity; Patricia B. Campbell and Rosa Carson (pdf).
  • Making Change: Sustaining Math Excellence; Patricia B. Campbell, Rosa Carson and Daryl E. Chubin, PhD (pdf).
  • Exploring Teacher Change; Patricia B. Campbell and Rosa Carson (pdf).
  • Engagement, Capacity and Continuity: A Trilogy for Student Success Full Report; and An Overview; Eric J. Jolly, Patricia B. Campbell and Lesley K. Perlman. A Report Commissioned by the GE Foundation. 2004. (.pdf)
  • Upping the Numbers: Using Research-Based Decision Making to Increase Diversity in the Quantitative Disciplines; Patricia B. Campbell, Eric J. Jolly, Lesli Hoey and Lesley K. Perlman. A Report Commissioned by the GE Foundation; Reprinted 2004. (.pdf)

Girl and Boy balanced on a balance

Tools for Educators & Others

Girl and Boy hurdling over stereotypes Refuting Myths & Stereotypes

cartoon lion reading a book Changing Classrooms

cartoon lion at computerTechnology

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Illustrations by Judy Butler( Updated: 2/7/2025